Besarabia returns to its roots!

In 2025, Bessarabia returns to its roots. New instruments, new songs.

IV Premis Carles Santos

Animal Repuplic best fusion and miscegenation album at the VI Carles Santos Awards for Valencian music.


Besarabia Animal Republic


Each song contains a new, spontaneous confluence between worldmusic, folk, flamenco, jazz and even rap. The lyrics of the songs and the atmosphere they evoke are based on the collective imagination of the animal kingdom; animals that are bestowed with human traits, as in Aesop’s fables, or animals full of rustic charm.

The swallow that carries a love letter, the snake that joins with the mother goddess and creates all living beings, the elephant that longs to enter an antiques shop to see her soul reflected in a mirror, or the giraffe, a forgotten toy in a garage, that is sure that if it can reach the sea, it will find freedom.

With soundscapes full of melancholy, joy, life and adventure, Animal Republic is a voyage into the interior of each member of Besarabia, setting free their primordial instincts and uncaging their animal within.


Booking :
tel. (0034) 659 46 57 11